A method is a java code which can be executed in two ways
Method Creation:
An example method is given below:
package com.dba.javamethod.SampleMethodFolder;
//import method from packages
public class TestDBA_JavaMethod implements IDfMethod
private IDfSession idfSession = null;
private String strUserName = null;
private String strTicket = null; // token for password
private String strDocbaseName = null;
private String workitemId = null;
private String workitemState = null;
public int execute(Map parameters, PrintWriter ostream) throws Exception
Iterator iterator = parameters.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
String key = (String) iterator.next();
String[] values = (String[]) parameters.get(key);
if ("user".equals(key))
strUserName = values[0];
Log.debug(TestDBA_JavaMethod.class,"Value for user : "+strUserName);
else if ("ticket".equals(key))
strTicket = values[0];
if(strTicket.indexOf("DM_TICKET=") == 0)
strTicket = strTicket.substring(10, strTicket.length());
Log.debug(TestDBA_JavaMethod.class,"Final Value for ticket : "+strTicket);
} else if ("docbase_name".equals(key))
strDocbaseName = values[0];
else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("packageId")) //workitem ID
workitemId = values[0];
else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("mode")) //workitem runtime state
workitemState = values[0];
Log.info("", "completed assigning required from Map interface");
IDfClientX cx = new DfClientX();
IDfLoginInfo li = cx.getLoginInfo();
IDfClient dfClient = cx.getLocalClient();
IDfSessionManager sessionMgr = dfClient.newSessionManager();
sessionMgr.setIdentity(strDocbaseName, li);
idfSession = sessionMgr.getSession(strDocbaseName);
Log.info("", "got the session");
IDfId workitemID = new DfId(workitemId);
IDfWorkitem workitem = (IDfWorkitem)idfSession.getObject(workitemID);
System.out.println(" before acquiring ");
System.out.println("Task acquired ");
//Business logic
Log.info("", "completed Work flow related tasks");
} catch (Exception e)
DfLogger.error(null, "An exception has occured ….", null, e);
System.out.println("In TestMethod.execute() idfSession released …");
return 0;
This method class file has to be copied to :Documentum>dba>java_methods> <<package>>
if needed place the IDmMethod.jar or IDfMethod.jar in :Documentum>dba>java_methods>bin folder
In DA Administration>Job Management>Methods>File>new>method
there provide the
method name ex:Test_method
verd ex:com.dba.javamethod.SampleMethodFolder.TestDBA_JavaMethod
method type: java
check Use method server,run as owner
then finish
Method running through Auto-Activity:
For running a method through Auto-Activity the folowing query has to be run
update dm_method object set a_special_app='Workflow' where object_name ='try auto method'
So that the method will be available in method dropdown-list of Auto-Activity
A method implements IDfMethod or IDmMethod thereby overriding the existing 'execute' method
IDfMethod has execte(Map arguments,PrintWriter print) method and it returns integer value
IDmMethod has excute(Map arguments,OutputStream output) method returns nothing
IDmMethod is in metdsrvlet.jar used in Documentum 5.3x.// But Depricated
IDfMethod is in Dfc.jar and //both are same
Method Creation:
An example method is given below:
package com.dba.javamethod.SampleMethodFolder;
//import method from packages
public class TestDBA_JavaMethod implements IDfMethod
private IDfSession idfSession = null;
private String strUserName = null;
private String strTicket = null; // token for password
private String strDocbaseName = null;
private String workitemId = null;
private String workitemState = null;
public int execute(Map parameters, PrintWriter ostream) throws Exception
Iterator iterator = parameters.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
String key = (String) iterator.next();
String[] values = (String[]) parameters.get(key);
if ("user".equals(key))
strUserName = values[0];
Log.debug(TestDBA_JavaMethod.class,"Value for user : "+strUserName);
else if ("ticket".equals(key))
strTicket = values[0];
if(strTicket.indexOf("DM_TICKET=") == 0)
strTicket = strTicket.substring(10, strTicket.length());
Log.debug(TestDBA_JavaMethod.class,"Final Value for ticket : "+strTicket);
} else if ("docbase_name".equals(key))
strDocbaseName = values[0];
else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("packageId")) //workitem ID
workitemId = values[0];
else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("mode")) //workitem runtime state
workitemState = values[0];
Log.info("", "completed assigning required from Map interface");
IDfClientX cx = new DfClientX();
IDfLoginInfo li = cx.getLoginInfo();
IDfClient dfClient = cx.getLocalClient();
IDfSessionManager sessionMgr = dfClient.newSessionManager();
sessionMgr.setIdentity(strDocbaseName, li);
idfSession = sessionMgr.getSession(strDocbaseName);
Log.info("", "got the session");
IDfId workitemID = new DfId(workitemId);
IDfWorkitem workitem = (IDfWorkitem)idfSession.getObject(workitemID);
System.out.println(" before acquiring ");
System.out.println("Task acquired ");
//Business logic
Log.info("", "completed Work flow related tasks");
} catch (Exception e)
DfLogger.error(null, "An exception has occured ….", null, e);
System.out.println("In TestMethod.execute() idfSession released …");
return 0;
This method class file has to be copied to :Documentum>dba>java_methods> <<package>>
if needed place the IDmMethod.jar or IDfMethod.jar in :Documentum>dba>java_methods>bin folder
In DA Administration>Job Management>Methods>File>new>method
there provide the
method name ex:Test_method
verd ex:com.dba.javamethod.SampleMethodFolder.TestDBA_JavaMethod
method type: java
check Use method server,run as owner
then finish
Method running through Auto-Activity:
For running a method through Auto-Activity the folowing query has to be run
update dm_method object set a_special_app='Workflow' where object_name ='try auto method'
So that the method will be available in method dropdown-list of Auto-Activity
A method implements IDfMethod or IDmMethod thereby overriding the existing 'execute' method
IDfMethod has execte(Map arguments,PrintWriter print) method and it returns integer value
IDmMethod has excute(Map arguments,OutputStream output) method returns nothing
IDmMethod is in metdsrvlet.jar used in Documentum 5.3x.// But Depricated
IDfMethod is in Dfc.jar and //both are same
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